卒業式 The Graduation
(謁見の間 昼)
Audience Chamber | Daytime
コンスタンツェ: ……解散、ですの?
Constance: You mean to say that you are disbanding us?
レア: ええ。他の枢機卿たちと話し合い、そのように決定しました。
Rhea: Yes. After speaking with the cardinals, my decision is final.
The Ashen Wolf House was originally established for youths who were in need of the church's protection.
Somewhere along the way, that intent was corrupted, and it ultimately became a cage for you.
The Ashen Wolves are officially disbanded. You can consider this a graduation, of sorts.
ハピ: いや、卒業って言われても。ハピを地下に入れたのはそっちじゃん?
Hapi: You can doll this up by calling it graduating, but you're the one who sent me to Abyss to begin with.
Now you waltz in here and tell us to just go live our lives, as if none of this ever happened?
レア: 無論、地下に留まるというのであればそれも止めることはしません。
Rhea: You may continue living in Abyss, of course.
Abyss will always be a refuge for those who need it most.
Your chains have been unbound. You are free to live as you wish now.
バルタザール: ……ま、そろそろ潮時ってやつか。おれは構いませんよ、レアさん。
Balthus: You ask me, this feels like good timing. This sound pretty all right, Rhea.
コンスタンツェ: 元の身の上を考えれば、選択の自由があるだけでもありがたいというものですわ。
Constance: After all I have been through, I must say I feel immense gratitude at the prospect of living freely.
ユーリス: ……レア様。私への処分は。教団に協力したとはいえ、私は……。
Yuri: You're just going to let me go? While I was working with the church, I still did some unsavory things...
レア: ユーリス。あなたの罪状については、すでに裁きが下されたはず。
Rhea: You have already been judged for your transgressions, Yuri.
You have slain the undeserving. The weight of that is yours to bear.
You have time to contemplate your actions now. That is punishment enough.
ユーリス: ………………。
Yuri: ...
バルタザール: おい、微妙な顔すんなよ。罰を受けたきゃてめえで決めろってこった。
Balthus: What's with the "woe is me" act? She's saying you're a free man!
ユーリス: ……そうだな。生き方も償い方も、選ぶのは俺ってことか。
Yuri: True enough. It's up to me to determine how I'll live my life now...how I'll make up for what I've done.
(玄関ホール 昼)
Entrance Hall | Daytime
エーデルガルト: 随分と決断が早いのね。猶予が与えられていなかったわけではないでしょう。
Edelgard: You made up your mind quickly, despite having ample time to think it through.
コンスタンツェ: おーっほっほっほ!私のような偉才は引く手あまたですのよ!
Constance: Ahaha! Someone of my many talents must make decisions in short order―I'm in high demand, after all.
The Fhirdiad Royal School of Sorcery demands my presense posthaste. How could I deny them?
Soon, the name Nuvelle shall be renowned all throughout the Imperial capital―prepare yourselves!
リンハルト: 以前も魔道学院にいたんじゃなかったっけ。出戻り……いや、応援してます。頑張って。
Linhardt: Didn't you already attend that school? Leaving and going back seems... Eh, well, good luck with that.
ハピ: ハピは……家族のところに顔、出してみるかな。
Hapi: Maybe I'll try to see my family again.
It's been forever, but now seems like as good a time as any to do that.
The whole thing might be a drag, though, so maybe I'll come straight back to Abyss.
バルタザール: おれは……一攫千金目指して放浪でもするかね。
Balthus: I think I'll... Yeah, yep! I'll find a way to hit it big―make tons of money!
It's about time the Indebted King of Grappling finally paid down all those damn debts.
ヒルダ: 兄さんに泣きついてみたら?悪いようにはしないと思うけどな。
Hilda: You could always ask my brother to help you out. Seems like a good way to go, really.
バルタザール: おれとあいつはそういう関係じゃねえんだ。貸し借りなんざごめんだぞ。
Balthus: Borrow from Holst? That's a hard no! Wouldn't dare to trouble my best pal like that.
That's enough about me. What are you going to do now, Boss?
ユーリス: さあ、な。これから時間をかけて考えるつもりだよ。
Yuri: Eh, who knows. For now I'll take some time to think.
My main concern at this point is taking care of my people back in my hometown.
アッシュ: 部下っていうのは、その……君はまた、元の稼業に戻るの?
Ashe: You mean you'll continue your former line of work?
ユーリス: そんな回りくどい言い方すんなって。今の俺にできるのは、それしかねえんだ。
Yuri: No need to beat around the bush. And yeah, that's the plan. It's what I'm best at.
But I can approach things differently now. Change how I live―find ways to thrive in peace, you know?
アッシュ: ……そっか。そういうことなら、僕も応援するよ。
Ashe: Makes sense to me. I wish you all the best.
ユーリス: ああ、ありがとう。お前も、お前の思うままに生きればいいさ。
Yuri: Thanks, friend. Right back at you. We both deserve to live our lives freely.
I may end up back home after all this, but I worry about how my rogues here would fare without a boss.
バルタザール: まーた他人様の心配か。抱え込み過ぎだぞ、お前は。
Balthus: Always worrying about everyone but yourself. Stop with that already, yeah?
Choice 1: 心配ない Yeah, you don't need to be concerned.
Choice 2: アビスのことは任せて I'll look after Abyss.
ユーリス: はは、何でまたあんたがそんなこと言い出すんだよ。
Yuri: There you go being cute again.
Though I'm certain if you're around, Abyss and everyone in it will be just fine.
エーデルガルト: 私たちもアビスのことは気にかけておくわ。そうでしょ、二人とも?
Edelgard: We'll keep an eye on Abyss, as well. Isn't that right, you two?
クロード: ああ……俺は個人的にもいろいろ用がありそうだしな。
Claude: Absolutely. That place is a treasure trove of secrets. Just try to keep me away.
ディミトリ: ろくでもない用ではないといいが……俺たちにできることはしよう。
Dimitri: I trust your motives are not all so selfish, Claude. And yes, we promise to protect Abyss in your absence.
ごろつき: お頭あーー! 何で行っちまうんですかー!俺たちどうやって生きていけば……
Rogue: Boss! Boss! You can't just leave us high and dry like this! Where will we go? What will we do?
ユーリス: 言ったそばからこれじゃねえか……
Yuri: I should've known...
Humans are adaptable creatures. You'll sort it out just fine.
バルタザール: ははっ、安心しろよ。こう言いつつも、ユーリスは仲間を見捨てられねえ奴だ。
Balthus: Heh, relax, will ya? We all know Yuri's not the type to abandon his pals.
He's a guy who always turns up when he's needed. Hell, we should all be taking notes from him.
ハピ: 優しくない世界だからねー、きっと助け合わなきゃ生きてけないし。
Hapi: The world's a dreary place. We could all use a little help now and again.
ユーリス: 逆に言うなら、仲間同士助け合えば、きっと生きていける。しぶとく、強かに。
Yuri: As long as we're all here for each other as true friends, we can live our lives to the fullest.
Byleth: 仲間…… Friends...
ユーリス: ああ、そうだな。あんたらも、俺たちにとっては大事な仲間だよ。ずっと。
Yuri: You heard me. You're all my friends... You matter. You always will.
ハピ: ……じゃ、そろそろ行こっか。
Hapi: That seems like a good note to end on.
バルタザール: おう、じゃあ、またな。
Balthus: Sure does. Catch ya later, pals. I mean...friends.
コンスタンツェ: さらばですわ!おーっほっほっほっほっほっほっほっほ!
Constance: With that, I bid you farewell! Hehe!
ユーリス: それじゃあな。いつか、また会う日まで――
Yuri: And so it is. Until next time, friend.